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AVIs to Date: 36275
QuiQuick Links MVF/AVI Accreditation
  • Full Accreditation is a Four-Stage process. The stages are detailed below. There's no need to do all Stages.
  • Completion of Stage 1 is a sufficient requirement to become a member of our CoP—i.e. a Member of our Minessence Group.
  • Stage 2 (which includes Stage 1) is the most popular option.


STAGE 1: The Values Dimension of Personal Coaching

Stage 1, as a standalone accreditation program, is only available to Accredited Personal Coaches, Counsellors, Psychologists, etc.

Delivery method: one-half day workshop or 1:1 online coaching via GoToMeeting

  1. Complete the online AVI
  2. Participate in one day “Using Values in Personal Coaching” workshop (6 hours) or equivalent online via GoToMeeting
Course Outcomes: By the completion of this programme...
  • You will have an increased understanding of your own values
  • You will be able to use the AVI Report: Setting Meaningful Objectives (SMO) with individual clients.
  • You will be able to use Cmaps and other tools to help your client’s understand the interrelationships and impact of values in their life.
  • You will have access to necessary resources and support in an area of the Minessence website exclusively for accredited AVI consultants
  • You will have an introductory/working understanding of the structure and principles underpinning the AVI
  • You will have your own Mission Control on the Minessence Group website
  • You will have completed Stage 1 of the AVI accreditation process
STAGE 1 & 2: The Minessence Values Framework

Delivery method: 1:1 online coaching via GoToMeeting 12 hours or 2 day workshop

Includes Stage 1 Accreditation program, plus...

  1. Complete the Full AVI Workbook for yourself and with 'pilot' clients
  2. Participate in two-day Minessence Values Framework (MVF) workshop (12 hours) or equivalent online meeting sessions
  3. Debrief 'pilot' client AVI Reports with course facilitator

Outcomes: By the completion of this program...

  • You will have a deeper understanding of yourself
  • You will be competent in using AVI Reports with clients
  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of the structure and principles of the Minessence Values Framework
  • You will be competent to discuss aspects of validity and reliability of the AVI and associated processes with other professionals, including executives and HR specialists.
  • You will be competent to use the AVI in Group Development/Team Building processes
  • You will have completed Stage 1 & 2 of the AVI Accreditation process.
STAGE 3: Using the MVF/AVI for Team/Group & Leadership Development

Delivery method: 4 day workshop or equivalent 1:1 eMentoring via GoToMeeting

Includes Stages 1 & 2. Ideally, you come to this stage of accreditation with a small client group with whom you wish to work. Under the guidance of your AVI mentor coach, you will “learn by doing” as you work with your client group.

Outcomes: By the completion of this program...

  • You will be competent to use the AVI in Group development/Team building processes
  • You will have a deeper understanding of creating team & group organisational strategies from measured shared values including vision/mission initiatives, values based job and task profiling, values based performance appraisal and other applications in organisational settings
  • You will be competent to discuss aspects of validity and reliability of the AVI and applications of the methodology with other professionals, including senior executives and HR specialists.
  • You will have access to necessary resources and support in an area of the Minessence website exclusively for accredited AVI consultants
  • You will have completed Stage 3 of the AVI Accreditation process
Stage 4: Using the MVF in Organisational Development, Merger & Acquisitions and other broad scale system applications.

The cost and content of Stage 4 Accreditation is negotiated with your MVF mentor/coach and is based on contracted custom design & consultation.

  • Each stage includes the fee for your personal AVI training report, and all materials & online follow-up professional support
  • Stage 3 requires having a small group to work with.
  • We recognize and value prior learning (RPL). if you believe you have a case for us to RPL for any stage of this program, please provide details to back up your request.
Contact for Accreditation

To obtain more details, please phone +61 7 3803 5809 or email us.

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Release: 2024-02-26 - Copyright © 1988 -2025 Minessence Group
Minessence Learning Centre, PARK RIDGE, QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA - Ph: 61-(0)7-3803-5809
25 January, 2025