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AVIs to Date: 36306
QuiQuick Links Our Vision, Values and Mission

Our Vision

To make a substantial positive contribution to the creation of a society where all people can live meaningful fulfilling lives.

Our Values

  • Research and Pioneerism. To research and understand the principles that underpin the "nature of things". To boldly go where no one has gone before.
  • Minessence. To take complex ideas and/or technologies and simplify them so as to benefit others.
  • Prophet and Vision. To pass on to others our vision of how a better society can be created through: Acceptance, Commitment and Conscious Living (ACCL).
  • Collaborative Individualism. To engage in the transformation of society through both individual independent action and cooperative action, bound together by a commitment to the mission and vision of our collaborative enterprise.
  •  Technology and Science. To make ACCL accessible throughout the world through using best practice science and technology.
  • Tradition and Convivial Technology. To understand and respect existing cultures and to work, progressively, in harmony with them.

Our Mission

To work together through values-centric processes for the benefit of society through...

  1. Being a Community of Practice [CoP]  for those Accredited to use the Minessence Values Framework [MVF];
  2. Fostering the development and mutual understanding of a language of values in society;
  3. Instigating and coordinating leading-edge values-centric projects to develop people, organisations, and communities;
  4. Providing a low cost, easily accessible infrastructure (the MVF) to facilitate values learning; and
  5. Functioning as a socially responsible CoP.

NOTE: People need to be Accredited to use the Minessence Values Framework before using it in a Professional capacity with Clients.

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Release: 2024-02-26 - Copyright © 1988 -2025 Minessence Group
Minessence Learning Centre, PARK RIDGE, QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA - Ph: 61-(0)7-3803-5809
18 February, 2025